How To Know If You Should Join A Prenatal Care Group

If you are concerned with the prenatal care you receive and whether all of your questions will be answered, you may want to try a prenatal care group. Prenatal care groups act as a very in-depth pregnancy childbirth class and are often offered by large hospitals and large group practices. 

What to Expect from a Prenatal Care Group

Rather than seeing a single doctor, you will participate in a meeting with other pregnant women. Several moms-to-be with similar due dates participate in the event along with their partners. You will also be spending time individually with your provider to have your blood pressure checked. During this time, you can also bring up concerns you are having. Even when you are with the group, you will have more time with your provider overall.

It would usually be impractical to bring a child along to a prenatal care group. For this reason, you should arrange for child care before participating in the program. You will also want to consider whether you would like to give up some of your privacy to participate in the program.

Topics Covered During a Prenatal Care Group

You will be given advice on breastfeeding, dealing with the side effects of pregnancy, stress management, preparing to give birth, and exercise during pregnancy. Each participant in the group is able to bring up their thoughts and concerns. Pregnancy is a very emotional time and you may feel like you need support for the feelings you are going through.

Many participants find that they are able to form relationships that can help them both during and after their pregnancy. Other mothers can help provide you with emotional support, and it can also simply be more fun to go through your pregnancy with several other moms who are going through the same experience.

The Effect on Your Pregnancy

A prenatal care group can have several positive effects on your pregnancy including a higher birth rate, less of a chance of preterm birth, more success with breastfeeding, and better knowledge about issues such as gestational diabetes.

The prenatal group can become a part of an expecting mother's care program even if you have special concerns and need to see a specialist. If you would rather spend your time meeting with specialists, you can speak with your OBGYN about whether a prenatal care group is right for you. Contact an OBGYN in your area, such as Cathy J. Berry M.D. & Associates, for more information on prenatal care groups near you.
